02 January 2006


Happy New Year Everyone!!!!!

Hello peeps!

Happy New Year and hope you all had a great Christmas and are keeping well. We had a good time in Boro apart from everyone having the sniffles..........so no training done.

I did manage to break a bit of a sweat chasing under-6s around my Mam and Dad's house, diving into tins of Quality Street and opening bottles of Tesco's Cava.

It is now 2nd Jan, the day I consider when New Year's resolutions should kick in (after all 1st Jan is a write off, spent it cleaning my house up after a big party).............been up two hours and so far been very good: weighed myself - 11st 4.3lbs and 38.2% fat - had low fat yogurt, oats and mandarins for brekkie and am now thinking about exercise.

Chest is completely clear, so Alessandro can't complain on health reasons but now he is saying that if I don't head out soon it will be too dark to run. GGGGRRRR!

I have started another blog in which I intend to document my attempts to do more interesting stuff over 2006 (partly as a diversion from booze) and I have already enquired about scuba diving lessons..........something I always wanted to learn but never managed to get round to it.

Right-o, best get on, will try to check in later..............after running I intend to clear all the blood of my drive way. The NYE party had all the incidents a party should........booze, laughs, games of pool, dancing, karoke........but also crying girls, fleeing boyfriends and the most sensible guest, a doctor, managed to slip off my front door step whilst having a sly fag, hurtle down my steep driveway and crash head first into my iron gates, smashing up his face. Nice!

With his qualifications, I was going to have him on pool duty if I decided to open up the pool, glad I didn't as I would probably still have that 'police, don't cross' tape up everywhere after he passed out and some drunken reveller met with a watery grave!

Ah well, catch you laters!

Charlie, you sound like you have enough fun as it is without courting more! Oh and from my experience - the medical fraternity always end up laid up worse at parties!!! Poor sod. Imagine having to explain that one away this week to patients!

Happeee New Yeeear Laydee


Oh and get your arse out running before it goes dark and if you get chance have a read back on my escapades with the new road bike - going out on it first time tonight in the dark! (The aim being to try and learn to ride it so I can go to and from work on it!)

and no sniggering!
It's getting dark....
Have you been out yet..???

'ere - are you on the RW forums - I saw your post on EP's blog and now I get here and find those reprobates Cath and Leon!
How good am I?! Not only a run but also a swim...........hooorrrraaahh!
Thanks Bear...!!!!

Pot. Kettle. Black.

Happy New Year Charlie!

Hope your year is full of fun and frolics!
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